
The city of Prato is situated in the region of 托斯卡纳 in Central Italy. Prato’s central location within 托斯卡纳 makes it an ideal base for exploring all the important sights in the region. 当我们的学生想在一个更大的, 更繁华的城市, they’re just 20 minutes away from Florence and less than two hours from Rome. And when the sun is shining, 托斯卡纳’s beautiful beaches are just an hour away.

普拉托是一座典型的意大利城市, 未受旅游业破坏,传统浓厚, 因此,它为学生提供了真正的国际体验. The 网赌上分平台's 托斯卡纳 Campus is also the first U.S. 城市项目, so the local community has embraced us with curiosity and affection, which means that experiential learning opportunities abound for our students. 许多地方机构和公司, from biscuit makers and the mayor to the radio stations and the local music academy, enthusiastically offer our students opportunities for firsthand experiences and collaboration.

在普拉托学习的时候, 学生将学习, 访问, 探索, 味道, 每天都要体验新鲜刺激的事物. 同时在课堂内外学习, students will develop skills that can only be enriched through the study abroad experience.


Studying at the 托斯卡纳 Campus gives you many opportunities beyond the classroom to learn, 探索, 成长, 沉浸在意大利文化中. 在社区做义工, 进行短途旅行, or playing a game of soccer with your classmates or some locals could be among the most memorable and meaningful experiences you’ll have abroad.



Housing in Prato comes in many shapes and sizes and will be part of the experience of studying abroad and adapting to the differences of other cultures. All of the housing and many eateries on the meal plan are no more than five minutes from campus, 而且彼此之间的距离不超过10分钟.



By the very nature of its mission to provide international experiences to our students, the 托斯卡纳 Campus is committed to promoting diversity and inclusion among our University community and aims to create a climate that fosters the ideals of civility, 尊重, 和开放.

  • 普拉托历史悠久的市中心, 拥有中世纪和文艺复兴时期的纪念碑, is especially remarkable for its compact scale and easy-going atmosphere. You’ll quickly discover that almost everything in Prato can be reached on foot through the old streets.

    来帮助你了解这座城市, part of your Orientation in Prato will be a special walking tour of the city to 探索 key points of interest and services, 包括各大商店, 邮局, 银行, 自动取款机, 市场, 库, 医疗中心, 教堂, 和博物馆.

    You’ll also find that the people in Prato will be curious and enthusiastic about the presence of U.S. 他们所在城市的学生. 普拉托的人们紧密地住在市中心, and they are not especially accustomed to the student lifestyle or to young Americans.

    出于这些原因, our students serve as "ambassadors" of the 网赌上分平台, 也是美利坚合众国的代表. 作为网赌上分平台社区的成员, we strive to repay the trust showed by our hosts with the highest standards of conduct and consideration for the traditions and civilized atmosphere of this city.

  • 像托斯卡纳中部的大部分地区一样,普拉托气候温和.

    在春天, temperatures usually range between 45 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit, 秋天的气温通常略高,为50至70华氏度. Winters are generally cool and rainy, with temperatures ranging between 35 and 50. 夏天通常阳光明媚,炎热,大多数日子都在80多华氏度.

    秋天, 春天, and winter tend to get the most rain – and Italy does get a fair amount, 是什么让这个国家如此绿色. 一年中的大部分时间,普拉托都很潮湿. 普拉托的雪远没有新英格兰那么大. 然而, 在冬天, the temperature will occasionally dip below zero and the city may get a dusting of snow. Likewise, it’s not at all that unusual for summer highs to reach 100 degrees.

    One thing that can surprise students is that 托斯卡纳 has mosquitoes for a good part of the year – from the 春天 through the fall, 不仅在农村,在城市也是如此. 幸运的是, there are a number of products available to keep the mosquitoes at bay, 而且可以在家庭用品商店买到, 草药的商店, 或者更大的超市. 喷雾剂和插入式驱蚊剂效果特别好.

    底线是,在你的学期里, 你可能会经历温暖和寒冷的日子, 晴天和雨天, 以及介于两者之间的一切. 而这里的气候是温和的, 记住你会经常在外面, 在镇上徒步旅行.

  • 当学生刚到的时候, they soon notice that shopping choices in Prato are very different than those they’re accustomed to at home.

    Unlike many large super市场 and department stores in the U.S.在美国,普拉托的商店往往规模较小,由家庭经营. 就像意大利的许多商店一样, their hours are generally dictated by city law and are listed in the shop window. 这样的小商店通常在上午9点或10点左右开门.m.在美国,下午1点到4点是中午休息时间.m.然后营业到晚上7点或8点.m.

    记住,这不是“午休”." The mid-day break gives shopkeepers a chance to run their own errands, 接孩子放学, 协调家庭聚餐. 你在普拉托逗留期间, you’ll learn to plan your shopping and eating activities around these opening times until it comes naturally.

    就像餐馆一样, 大多数商店一周有一到两天不营业, 周日是最常见的“休息日”." Certain shops and services, such as hairdressers, tend to stay closed on Mondays.

    Shops in Prato are also more specialized than many of their U.S. 同行. 在这里你会发现很多面包店, 文具店, 鞋店和香水店, 仅举几个例子. One of the many benefits of Italy’s smaller-sized shops is that the salespeople usually know their merchandise very well, 还能给你提建议. And if you 访问 often enough, you just might get to know the shopkeepers.

    虽然这些商店看起来很小, it’s interesting to note that nearly everything that can be found in a shopping mall can also be found in the city center, 如果你知道去哪里找的话. 记住,在任何一家商店, 并非所有出售的商品都必须陈列, 也就是说你得勇敢地问吗! And shops can often order special merchandise for you if they don’t ordinarily stock it. 结果是, you’ll generally have more of a relationship with local shopkeepers than you might in the U.S.


For questions specific to the 托斯卡纳 出国留学 program, please see our 托斯卡纳 Campus FAQ.

