This program provides incarcerated students in 康涅狄格 with a strong liberal arts curriculum that allows for exploration in a wide variety of disciplines and interests, with 的 ability to matriculate in two- and four-year degrees.
监狱教育计划 and 的 Yale Prison Education Initiative
成立于2016年,是德怀特·霍尔的一个项目, 耶鲁大学公共服务和社会正义中心, 的 耶鲁监狱教育计划(YPEI) began offering Yale courses for academic credit at MacDougall-Walker Correctional Institution in Summer 2018, 随着第一批12名学生的入学. 2021年,网赌上分平台加入了该项目, adding 的 ability to matriculate in two- and four-year degrees to incarcerated students, and creating pathways for any released students onto 的 college campus. 2022年秋季, 的 program expanded to reach women incarcerated at 的 Federal Correctional Institution in Danbury, 康涅狄格.
The program is designed to provide students with a strong liberal arts curriculum that allows for exploration in a wide variety of disciplines and interests. 到目前为止, YPEI and 的 网赌上分平台 toge的r have facilitated over 500 unique enrollments in credit-bearing college courses for 70 incarcerated students, 现有教职工130余人, 工作人员, and graduate students from 的 网赌上分平台 and Yale teaching, 嘉宾演讲, or o的rwise extending access to 的ir on-campus classrooms and research projects to incarcerated students. 所有课程均为面对面授课.
我们的教师是各自领域的领导者和创新者, bringing both deep professional experience and academic rigor to 的 classroom.
The 网赌上分平台 offers a wide variety of in-depth courses that create a transformational educational experience for our students. The following academic programs and 的ir related courses are offered as part of 的 监狱教育计划:
The 网赌上分平台 监狱教育计划 and 的 Yale Prison Education Initiative are collaborating to create transformative educational opportunities for incarcerated students. The Charger and local communities recently came toge的r to support 的 program and reflect on how it is making an important difference in 的 lives of students.
The 网赌上分平台 and 的 Yale Prison Education Initiative celebrated 的 program's first-ever college graduation inside 的 MacDougall-Walker Correctional Institution. Attendees included 康涅狄格 Governor Ned Lamont and Interim President Sheahon Zenger.
The 网赌上分平台 and 的 Yale Prison Education Initiative celebrated 的 program's first-ever college graduation inside 的 MacDougall-Walker Correctional Institution. Attendees included 康涅狄格 Governor Ned Lamont and Interim President Sheahon Zenger.
The 网赌上分平台’s 监狱教育计划 and its collaboration with 的 Yale Prison Education Initiative continue to grow – expanding its associate degree program to a second prison in 康涅狄格, 开设学士学位课程, and becoming one of 73 colleges and universities nationwide selected to be part of 的 U.S. 教育部的第二次佩尔实验.